Mission Statement
Our missions are to provide educational training programs that promote bilateral trade between United States and International Businesses, and to improve the sustainability of the immigrant population in the Washington metropolitan area.
Why United States?
Known as the miniature America, United States encompasses all of the main qualities that the United States has to offer. United States is the perfect gateway for foreign businesses into the U.S. Market as it:
- Is located near the Nation’s capitol, Washington, D.C.
- Is home to the headquarters of 32 Federal Agencies
- Is home to the nation’s leading research institutions
- Earns 80% of all Federal procurement opportunities
- Has one of the best programs from minority-owned business enterprises in the U.S.
United States’s strategic location and resources offer endless opportunities.
Goal #1
Create jobs and contribute to economic development in United States
Goal #2
Help companies from foreign countries enter the U.S. Market
Goal #3
Help U.S. companies enter the International Market
Goal #4
Help cultivate and empower immigrant businesses in the U.S.
Goal #5
Develop leadership in Youths and Young Adults
Our Motto
Hunt Together!
Cook Together!
Eat Together!
Our Clients
- Companies that wish to advance into the U.S market based on their growth potential
- Companies seeking to expand into the U.S. through international marketing based on technological competitiveness
- Enterprises that require export buyers in the U.S or Asia
- Companies that need market research for overseas investment or foreign investment
- Companies that require business partners for the distribution of their services, entry into U.S. procurement markets, acquirement of strategic alliance partners, etc.
- Companies looking for business opportunities through new business items made in the U.S. and Asia
- Companies seeking to develop new products through strategic opportunities in order to explore and analyze trends in the U.S. and trends in Asia
- Companies hoping to introduce new business models from the successful U.S. market